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Kemaliye Geothermal Power Plant (Kemaliye GPP) has started its commercial operation on 20.May.2016.
The project area is located 2750m south of Kemaliye town, which is within the borders of Alaşehir district of Manisa Province. MT / AMT / TDEM measurements were taken at a total of 350 points in and around the license area by the Energy Holding Geophysical Services Department (EHGED) in order to determine the rocks that may have the characteristics of geothermal reservoirs in the region and to investigate the geological structures. In the light of these 3-D modeled data in the EHGED data processing center, the production and re-injection wells were drilled by the Energy Holding Drilling Division (EHDD).
The electricity produced is transferred to the interconnected grid with the 154kV switchyard
Key Values of Kemaliye GPP
- Located in the western part of Turkey (safe and most civilized area), 1:30 hrs. driving distance from Izmir city.
- Balance of Plant (BOP) is designed by expert US Company.
- Power Plant major equipment supplied by EU companies.
- Electrical, automation and power systems are designed and implemented by Siemens Turkey.
- Each production well has its own separator system increasing the fine tuning and control capabilities of the geothermal wells.
- Each production well has its own discharge pool increasing the plant availability and ensure environmentally friendly operation.
- Has its own substation and power transmission line of 154 KV ensuring safe and uninterrupted electricity production.
- Has sophisticated and robust reinjection system (7 reinjection pumps, 3 booster pumps).
- State of the art plant design for safe and uninterrupted production. (2 Main production modules, 4 turbines, 2 generators, 12 pentane feed pumps, robust reinjection system, advanced and sophisticated BOP system, etc.)
- PPA and fixed FIT for 10 years enjoying USD basis payments (No currency exchange rate risk).