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The necessary information for the efficient and economical use of geothermal resources is obtained by well tests. Well tests are the studies that start at the drilling stage, continue during the planning process of the operation with a level of performance suitable for the geothermal resource, and also continue during the operation phase due to the dynamics of geothermal systems.
The most important stage of the well tests are the pressure and temperature (P&T) measurements. Measurements can be made when the well is either dynamic (open to production) or static (off to production). Today, during these measurements, mainly the crane unit and electronic depth meters are used to lower the electronic pressure and temperature measuring device into the well.
The crane unit (wireline unit) is used for safely lowering and removing the measuring instruments and devices into the well. It consists of the power unit, drivetrain, drum, brake system, depth gauge and weight gauge.
The pressure and temperature meter (Amerada model) is a device that can perform pressure and temperature measurements in the well in accordance with geothermal conditions. This Kuster K10 Geothermal PT model device used by EHGED can measure up to 4 hours at 350 C or up to 6 hours at 300 C. It is also capable of measuring the pressure up to 8500 psi. The device is in a cylindrical metal housing with low heat conductivity and there are pressure and temperature sensors at the bottom. The temperature sensor has a sensitivity of ± 0.25 C and is extremely sensitive for in-hole measurement.
After the Kuster K10 PT measuring device is set to take 10, 5, 3 times or once in every second measurements in the well, it saves all the collected data in its memory and transfers all the pressure and temperature records taken in the well to the computer with its special software.
The electronic depth box, on the other hand, shows the operator at which meter of the well the device is while lowering or removing the Amerada into the well, and records all the measurements simultaneously.
Finally, the data taken from the Amerada and the depth meter are synchronized on the computer according to the recording times, allowing pressure and temperature measurements in almost every meter of the well. This data can then be converted into graphs to provide detailed correlation of pressure, temperature and depth measurements.
With its Kuster K10 Geothermal PT device and other equipment, EHGED provides downhole pressure and temperature log service to whole Turkey with the guarantee of accurate and precise measurement.