With the changes in laws and regulations paving the way for hybrid renewable energy investments, in addition to geothermal energy, Enerjeo Kemaliye continues to invest in renewable energy by:
- Solar Energy investments,
- Wind Energy investments,

Hybrid production (Geothermal + Solar or Wind)
Current regulatory framework allows and encourages entrepreneurs to add solar or wind energy capacity to the existing geothermal production capacity. The advantage is to sell the electricity with the same price of PPA of geothermal without having necessity for additional license. The solar is a good option to be combined with geothermal as the net electricity output will be more steady.

Energy Storage facility
One of the game changer option is to have energy storage unit in combination to GPP. Storage unit will help to maximize efficiency and profitability especially after PPA term. The electricity shall be stored in the storage unit and supplied to the grid in peak times with higher market sale prices boosting profitability. Cryogenic energy storage (CES) is the right technology using compressed air and to be used for the large-scale storage of electricity.